Multifamily Acquisitions VS Development

Eric Wilson


January 4, 2022

4 min read

Eric Wilson


January 4, 2022

5 min read

Investors often choose between two main strategies when investing in multifamily: acquisitions and development. While both can lead to profitability, they are distinctly different in terms of complexity, risk, timeline, and potential return on investment.

Multifamily Acquisitions: The Art of Buying Right

Acquisitions involve purchasing an existing multifamily property. This could range from a duplex to an entire apartment complex. The acquisition strategy often appeals to investors for its simplicity and relative predictability.

Pros of Acquisitions

  • Cash Flow: Once acquired, a multifamily property can begin generating income almost immediately, assuming it's already occupied.
  • Predictability: Since the property is existing, investors can use historical data to make accurate income and expense projections.
  • Faster Turnaround: Acquisitions typically involve shorter timelines, from deal sourcing to closing, allowing for quicker returns on investment.

Cons of Acquisitions

  • Competition: The demand for high-performing multifamily properties is intense, making it challenging to find lucrative deals.
  • Capital Intensive: Acquiring a multifamily property usually requires a substantial upfront investment.

Multifamily Development: Crafting Communities

Development, on the other hand, involves the construction of a new multifamily property. This could entail ground-up development or the complete redevelopment of an existing structure.

Pros of Development

  • Higher Potential Returns: If executed successfully, development projects can offer higher potential returns than acquisitions due to the value added by creating a new product.
  • Customization: Developers have the freedom to design the property according to market demand, incorporating desirable features and amenities that attract renters.

Cons of Development

  • Increased Risk: Development is subject to a host of risks, from construction delays and budget overruns to changes in market conditions during the lengthy development process.
  • Complexity: It involves navigating zoning laws, securing building permits, managing construction, and other intricate processes.
  • Longer Timeline: It takes significantly longer to complete a development project, delaying the potential return on investment.

Conclusion: Choosing Your Path

When deciding between multifamily acquisitions and development, consider your risk tolerance, investment timeline, experience, and the resources at your disposal. Acquisitions may suit investors seeking immediate cash flow and less complexity, while development may be the right choice for those willing to tolerate higher risks and longer timelines for potentially greater returns.

Remember, each path requires due diligence, market knowledge, and sound financial analysis. Whether you're acquiring or developing, the goal remains the same: create lasting value and strong returns.
