In today's fluctuating economic environment, many investors have given pause to better understand how they feel about the current state of the multifamily market. And while there are many headwinds for the multifamily sector and real estate as a whole, the long term fundamentals remain strong. When investors ask us about the state of the market, we often point to the long term fundamentals, because so many of our strategies have a longer term horizon and when you're buying right with a longer term outlook, the specifics on the current market conditions are less critical than if you enter a project with a short term exit strategy. However, for current portfolios and to keep all of our investors informed about their investments with us, we dive into the details of the current climate to help investors understand our return forecasts and expectations given the economic climate we find ourselves in. As we do every month, here are some of the key factors we are keeping our eyes on in today's market.