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February 1, 2022

5 min read

Advanced Waterfall Structures in Real Estate Partnerships

The concept of "waterfalls" plays an essential role in determining how...

Waterfall structures refer to the tiered system through which real estate profits are distributed among partners. The higher tiers (closer to the source of the waterfall) are usually prioritized and must be fulfilled before proceeds trickle down to the lower tiers.

Two common structures are:

  1. European Waterfall (Single Waterfall): In this structure, the return of the initial investment (i.e., return of capital) occurs before any profits are split among partners. It's a more conservative structure and typically favors the limited partners or passive investors.
  2. American Waterfall (Double Waterfall): This structure splits profits before the complete return of the initial investment. It introduces an additional distribution tier, typically favoring the general partner or active investor, as they start receiving profits earlier in the project.


December 6, 2022

3 min video

How To Structure A Real Estate Syndication

In the complex world of real estate syndication, understanding the intricate...

In the complex world of real estate syndication, understanding the intricate structures of Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) is key to maximizing your investment's potential. As a real estate syndicator or investor, grasping the nuances of these LLCs can provide significant advantages, from tax benefits to streamlined management. Let's break down the four critical LLCs commonly used in real estate syndication and their roles in the investment process.

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