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November 2, 2021

4 min read

A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Due Diligence in Private Equity Real Estate

When it comes to private equity real estate, due diligence is a crit...

This is the first and most basic step in the due diligence process. Understanding the investment strategy involves identifying whether the investment opportunity aligns with your personal financial goals, risk appetite, and long-term investment plan.

In this stage, you should identify the type of real estate property in which you plan to invest, understand the geographic location of the property, and analyze the projected returns and associated risks. This will help you determine whether the opportunity meets your financial expectations and requirements.

If it doesn't align with your objectives, then it might not be worth exploring further. Always remember that the real estate market is vast, and there are countless opportunities available, so don't hesitate to move on to the next one if necessary.


April 27, 2019

5 min read

Safeguarding Your Real Estate Legacy: Asset Protection and Estate Planning

As an investor, your journey doesn't end with just acquiring properties...

As an investor, your journey doesn't end with just acquiring properties and generating a steady cash flow. An often overlooked but crucial aspect of your investment strategy involves safeguarding your investments for the long term and planning how they will be handled after your lifetime. This blog explores key strategies for both active and passive investors to protect their real estate assets and set up their estate for a seamless transition.

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