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Market Insights

November 27, 2023

7 min read

The Multifamily Market Outlook for 2024: Navigating Uncertainty

As we approach 2024, the multifamily real estate market stands at a complex...

Without a doubt, there are circumstances in play that can drastically change these predictions at a moments notice. Much of which revolves around two major uncertainties in today's market. The Fed's policy, and geopolitical concerns.

Federal Reserve's Monetary Policy

The Federal Reserve's aggressive stance in combating the 9% inflation surge has led to rapid interest rate hikes, a situation unprecedented in U.S. history on a percent basis. While inflation has cooled down to about 3.5%, concerns about wage growth pressure persist. The economy’s surprising resilience, reflected in the 5.2% GDP growth in 3Q 2023, juxtaposes with a consumption-driven market and the aftereffects of COVID fiscal stimulus.

Geopolitical Concerns

Global events, including the war in Ukraine, conflicts in the Middle East, and tensions in the China-Taiwan region, add another layer of complexity. These factors, combined with the 2024 presidential election year dynamics, may influence policies, potentially impacting long-term interest rates.


April 27, 2019

5 min read

Safeguarding Your Real Estate Legacy: Asset Protection and Estate Planning

As an investor, your journey doesn't end with just acquiring properties...

As an investor, your journey doesn't end with just acquiring properties and generating a steady cash flow. An often overlooked but crucial aspect of your investment strategy involves safeguarding your investments for the long term and planning how they will be handled after your lifetime. This blog explores key strategies for both active and passive investors to protect their real estate assets and set up their estate for a seamless transition.

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