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July 2, 2024

5 min read

Understanding Deal Terms and Their Impact on Partner Returns

Investing in real estate syndication as a Limited Partner (LP) is an...

The hold term, or the duration for which the syndication plans to hold onto the property, is a pivotal factor affecting LP returns.

  • Short-term Holds (1-3 years) often focus on quick value-add improvements with the aim of selling the property at an increased value. While potentially offering higher annualized returns, they may also carry higher risk due to market volatility.
  • Long-term Holds (5-10 years or more) generally aim for steady cash flow and capital appreciation over time. They might provide more stability and benefit from long-term market trends but can lock in capital, reducing liquidity for investors.

The choice between short-term and long-term holds should align with the LP's investment goals, risk tolerance, and the market cycle at the time of investment.


February 14, 2018

4 min read

Real Estate Valuation: Cap Rate and Return on Cost Decoded

While they both provide valuable insights, their application...

As we continue to explore the fascinating realm of real estate investing, we shift our focus today to two crucial metrics used in assessing the value and profitability of real estate investments - Cap Rate and Return on Cost. While they both provide valuable insights, their application and significance can be quite different. Let's untangle these terms and understand how to use them effectively.

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