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January 3, 2023

4 min read

Preferred Returns in Real Estate Syndications

In real estate syndications, the term "preferred return" often surfaces as a...

A preferred return, often abbreviated as "pref", refers to the order in which profits from a real estate investment are distributed to investors. It is a priority return that investors are entitled to receive before the general partners (GPs) or sponsors can participate in the profit sharing.


November 2, 2021

4 min read

A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Due Diligence in Private Equity Real Estate

When it comes to private equity real estate, due diligence is a crit...

When it comes to private equity real estate, due diligence is a critical process to ensure your potential investment aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. The process can seem intimidating, especially for beginners, but it is essential for protecting your investment and maximizing returns. The steps discussed here will provide a strong foundation for a thorough due diligence process.

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